Daily Mile

We have been participating in the Daily Mile initiative since April 2016. Some classes stay in the playground and do laps, others do one or two laps around the school whilst learning all about road safety. Others take to the forest. .

For more information about 'The Daily Mile' or on the data in the above video please go to https://thedailymile.co.uk/

Daily Mile

We have been participating in the Daily Mile initiative since April 2016. Some classes stay in the playground and do laps, others do one or two laps around the school whilst learning all about road safety. Others take to the forest. .

For more information about 'The Daily Mile' or on the data in the above video please go to https://thedailymile.co.uk/

Daily Mile

We have been participating in the Daily Mile initiative since April 2016. Some classes stay in the playground and do laps, others do one or two laps around the school whilst learning all about road safety. Others take to the forest. .

For more information about 'The Daily Mile' or on the data in the above video please go to https://thedailymile.co.uk/