Welcome to SL1's page


Our teachers are Mrs Semple and Mrs Morrison.


Our assistants are Mrs Taylor and Miss McAlorum.


You are very wlecome to our class page. We hope you enjoy looking through our photos and getting a taste of what the children do throughout the year.

Our Speech and Language Provision has been set up to  support children with Speech and Language Difficulties. This small class setting is excellent for helping children to reach their full potential and develop their langauge skills in a comfortable environment. We have Speech and Language Therapists onsite and they work with the children to help them make as much progress as possible.

We currently have children ranging from Primary 1 to Primary 2.




Our Current topic is Pirates 


The children are enjoying learning all about Pirates.


We have made our own treasure maps, designed our own pirate ships, turned ourselves into Pirates and labelled the parts of a pirate ship. 


Check out our Augmented reality display!!