Getting Ready To Learn

Every year we participate in the Getting Ready to Learn Programme through the Education Authority.  


There are four key themes to Getting Ready to Learn

-Ages and Stages

-Big Bedtime Read

-Healthy Happy Kids 

-Education Works


As well as participating in staff training and providing specific resources/activities for the children we involve parents too with parents sessions and shared sessions for families to participate in together.


You can find out more about Getting Ready to Learn on the Parents section of their website here:  

Big Bedtime Read focuses on raising awareness of the importance of reading.

This theme promotes the importance of reading to young children and will encourage you to read regularly to your child, particularly at bedtime. Each Friday the children will receive a selection of story books in a red book bag to enjoy over the weekend. The red book bags are to be returned on a Monday. 

Within this theme, there will also be information and advice on establishing a good bedtime routine and reducing screen time.  Information will also be provided on maximising opportunities throughout the day to engage your child in early reading experiences.


Benefits of Regularly Reading to Your Preschool Child:
  • Sharing stories, talking and singing every day helps your child’s development in many ways.

  • Through reading regularly to your child, they will learn to value books and will experience stories that will spark their imagination and stimulate their curiosity. 

  • Your child will become familiar with a wide range of sounds, words and language and will be developing early literacy skills, like the ability to listen to and understand words and the ability to focus.

  • Children who are read to when they are young are more likely to be readers later in childhood.

  • Reading, particularly at bedtime, provides a great opportunity to have snuggly, one-on-one time that will help create strong parent-child bonds.

  • Reading to your child... 

Parents can help their children become interested in reading if they are to succeed in school. Click on the links below, to have a look at the top tips and PowerPoint below, to make reading with your child more effective and enjoyable!

  1.  Reading to Your Child - Tips for Parents.pdf
  2. big-bedtime-read-powerpoint-presentation BELVOIR.pptx  
  • Parent support for bedtime routines... Check out these websites below for more tips! 


  • Reading and Speech & Language
  1. big-bedtime-read-speech-and-language-powerpoint-presentation-1 belvoir.pptx